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Ordering Information

Cannula systems from Plastics One

Plastics1 Ordering Link

Species Region Code Descriptoin
Rat dorsal hippocampus C313G/spc Guide cannula 4.0 mm below pedestal
C313DC/1/spc Dummy cannula 0.5 mm ext. from guide 4.0mm
C313I/spc Internal cannula 0.5 mm ext. from guide 4.0mm
basolateral amygdala C313G/spc Guide cannula 9.0 mm below pedestal
C313DC/1/spc Dummy cannula 0.5 mm ext. from guide 9.0 mm
C313I/spc Internal cannula 1.0 mm ext. from guide 9.0mm
Skull screws 0-80 x 1/8 Mounting screw pk/1000

Dental Cement

Name: Dental Cement Kit, 1 lb, Clear
Supplier: Cedarlane
Product Code: 51459(ST)
Producer: Stoelting USA, direct order from them not possible because shipping across border prohibited


Name Supplier Catalog Number Usual Quantity
Acrylamide/Bis Solution 30%Cedarlane1610156
AnisomycinMilliporeSigmaA978925 mg
AntiI-GLUR-2, C-TerminusCedarlaneAB10529
Anti-Rabbit IgG, peroxidase-linked species-specific whole antibody (from donkey) Secondary AntibodyFisher45000682
AP5 (DL-2-AMINO-5-PHOSPHONOVALERIC)MilliporeSigmaA528210 mg
Applied Biosystems™ Power SYBR™ Green PCR Master MiFisher4367659
BaclofenSigma-AldrichB5399500 mg
BCA Protein AssayFisherPI23227
Bovin serum albumin (BSA)SigmaA8022
Buffer Solution, pH 10.00, Color-Coded BlueFisherSB115500
Buffer Solution, pH 4.00, Color-Coded RedFisherSB101500
Buffer Solution, pH 7.00, Color-Coded YellowFisherSB107500
CNQX disodium saltTocris1045
Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)SigmaD5879
DREADD agonist 21 (Compound 21)dihydrochloride (water soluble)Hello BioHB6124-10mg
ECL 2 Western Blotting SubstrateFisherPI80196
Ethanol 95 or 100%McGill GCRC Biobar
Formaldehyde, 37%FisherF79P4
Gelatin (from procin skin)SigmaG2500
Hydrochloric acid (HCl)Fisher351280
Hydrogen chloride 10N (HCL)FisherSA49
Hydrogen chloride 1N (HCL)FisherSA48
Hydrogen Peroxide, 30%FisherH323500
JHU37160 dihydrochloride (DREADDligand) (water soluble)Hello BioHB6261-10mg
Lactacystine (clasto-Lactacystin beta-lactone)Abcamab141412
Monoclonal anti-beta tubulinSigmaT8328
Mouse monoclonal [6C5] to GAPDHAbcamab8245
Muscimol hydrobromideSigma-AldrichM152325 mg
NMDAR2B Rabbit anti-Rabbit, Rat, Polyclonal, Invitrogen™Fisher718600
pAAV-hSYN-DIO-hM4D(Gi)-mCherry-(DREADD) -AAV2/8Molecular Tools - Neurophotonics Centre /Université Laval
PKC # (H-1)Santa Cruzsc-17781
PKMZeta AntisenseIDT210971671
Propranolol hydrochlorideSigmaP0884
Protein Ladder (Spectra™ Multicolor Broad Range)FisherPI26634
Rabbit polyclonal to Ionotropic …Abcamab20673
Rabbit polyclonal to PKC zetaAbcamab59364
Scrambled PKMzeta AntisenseIDT210971672
Sodium Chloride (NaCl)FisherS2713
Sodium hydroxide 10N (NaOH)Fisherss255
Sodium hydroxide 1N (NaOH)Fisherss266
Sodium Hydroxide Solution (1N)FisherSS2661
Stripping Buffer for western blotsFisherPI21059
Tris BaseFisherBP1541
Triton x 100SigmaT8787
Tween 20Cedarlane1706531
ZIP - 1 mgAnaspecAS-63361
ZIP, Scrambled 1 mgAnaspecAS-63695
methods/materials/orderinginformation.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/17 15:22 by ohardt